Let It Go

Ooooh, y’all. We’re just past the three-quarter mark of 2016, and a common refrain of many of my clients is how they’re BEYOND ready to bid farewell to this year. I get it and am singing a similar song.

This year (a 9 for you numerology buffs) promised to be all about completion, and it continues to deliver on that vow. Transformation abounds in every conceivable permutation: career upheaval, relocations, breakups, life-to-death transitions – it seems like every day offers us another ending, leaving us feeling like we’re caught in a storm with no option but to weather the weather.

“How am I supposed to do that?” you ask.

My answer, in the form of a Zen proverb: Let go or be dragged.

We “hold on” to habits, people, ideas, etc. because fear consciousness tells us to do so. We hold on because, for whatever reason (and there are a lot of reasons, including the lack of anyone at all) we forgot our power. We got scared, which made us protective, and that protection made us small and dim and quiet.

2016 is having none of it. This year is a messenger from the cosmos, offering us an opportunity to step into our light – to share our gifts in service to our community however that looks. 2016 calls us to love: fiercely, fearlessly, and even when that love means separation. Most of all, it invites us to turn inward, to celebrate and liberate ourselves, all while giving notice that if we insist on functioning from modes of obsolescence, we will be yanked from where we are and placed where we need to be.

Let go. Or be dragged.

And so: for the remainder of the year, may part of your work be devoted to releasing yourself from the “whatever” that grips you. Distractions. Ruts. That pointless recurring argument; the food that upsets your tummy; those people you’ve outgrown. May you spend the next eleven weeks (and beyond) racing joyously toward a magnificent future, leaving all that uninspiring, mindless engagement in the dust where it belongs. May your work feel easy, and if it doesn’t, may the rewards be so fulfilling that you forget the hardship.

Your best you is waiting. Go get ‘em.

Categorized as Magic

By Ilka Pinheiro

Ilka Pinheiro is a writer, performer, seer, animal communicator, and native New Yorker.