A few years ago, when I was making my bones as a professional wizard at a clairvoyant wellness center that had a company culture most favorably described as “chirpy”, my colleagues trended, amongst themselves, these pendants imbued with the energy of a Brazilian diety channeled by a “globally renowned faith healer” who goes by a name that rhymes with Don of Fraud.
Everybody in the office bought themselves a pendant except me. I wasn’t feeling the aesthetic even before I looked up dude and crew. In addition to being too blocky for my taste, the blessed baubles were mad overpriced, and I was already working with a (similar, prettier) clear quartz Feng Shui bagua that’s been teaching me to transform stank vibes into sparkle motion for years. I had little reason to add another thing to my collection of things when I already had a thing proven to do the stuff this new thing claimed to do; also, my Aquarius moon feels a way about forced samesies, a/k/a conformity snores.
Ultimately though, there was something … off about the whole enterprise. A greasy-on-the-edges feeling I’d recall whenever someone new popped up rocking one of the crystal chunks. I’d trill with feigned excitement (chirpy) but inwardly shrug. Let people enjoy things, I thought, attributing my detachment as an ego guardian response. I kept it cute and quiet, and eventually the company trend of the DoF pendants fizzled out, as is the tendency of trends, and I forgot about the whole thing.
Cut to late 2018 – my time at the clairvoyant wellness center long past, its affiliate relationships also mostly fizzled out – when I encountered a glut of infuriating confirmation bias fodder re: DoF, whose behavior over the course of much of his career has been (allegedly) that of an oppressive, heinous garbageperson, which led to his arrest and an ongoing criminal investigation. (I shant besmirch our LightMagic with sordid details save to state that given all we’ve been demanded to confront lately, you can probably surmise. Plus Google.)
I met the news with beleaguered rage and awed validation. Years earlier, I’d been responding to DoF’s actual-factual vibration rather than the image he presented, and I doubted it, likely because of scarcity consciousness running amok; just as likely because the information I was receiving seemed so misaligned with the reception my then-peers were offering him – peers whose values had since proved to be massively misaligned with mine. Turns out, keeping it cute, keeping it quiet, and keeping my coins was a brilliant response. T’was a monster eureka moment that, among other revelatory pops, served as a reminder that since intuitive hits don’t always make sense to our rational minds, we can help ourselves by avoiding analysis overdrive – there’s no point in trying connect dots before they’re ready.
One way to help differentiate psychic intelligence from regular shmegular human emotion is to connect with your body. Notice which parts of you respond to your informational review – does your stomach gurgle, do you start to itch, are you calm and easeful (perhaps surprisingly so)? This month, let’s deepen our efforts to honor and trust the collaborative process in which our energetic and physical beings are always engaged, and welcome what our bodies tell our minds with extra curiosity and compassion. There’s a lot we can learn from us.